I don't know what is really going on outside or anything like that but I wouldn't be surprised if the world is about to end. It has been cold here today, a pretty unwelcome departure from the taste of spring that we've gotten all of the rest of the week.
Today it has been in the low 30's and we've had very small hail. I think it is bigger than sleet but not quite as big as good sized hail. But the worst of it is that now I also hear thunder outside. That's right...
Thunder.Today has not really gone the way I wanted or expected it to. I knew that I needed to work a shorter day today because even though I work for a major corporation that makes billions of dollars, the recent budget cuts keep them from being able to the appropriate overtime that gets merited. So as of 18:00 last night I was already at 38 hours for the week. That would mean that I would only be working for 2 hours today. And I wasn't about to work those 2 hours in the office. That would mean driving all the way into town [which would be an hour drive] and then coming back when I was done. And the roads here have not been all that great, so I stayed home. That is one of the nice things about my current job. I get to work from home 2 days a week.
anywhooooo...I started the day out at the Real Estate office trying to get their "network" situation set up for them. I already knew that what I was doing was not going to work but I had to show them that. So I didn't get them squared away.
When I got back I ended up doing some "work" for my real job which consisted of a 3 hour teleconference-training session with a teammate of mine out in Tempe, AZ. Both during and after that call, I kept getting calls from other people at work since I am the "on-call" go to guy this week and my partner in crime out in Salt Lake City, UT is out on vacation. So instead of only working 2 hours today I've done closer to 5 and I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being a full 8 before all is said and done. Don't get me wrong though, I still get paid by the hour so I'll take what I can get.
It is supposed to be crappy here all weekend. That means that we won't be venturing anywhere. I hate that in the winter.
With the forecast being what it is, I guess that means that we'll watch some movies. Have you seen
The Departed? I haven't either yet but will be watching it tonight.
I also hope to do some reading. I'm currently reading a very good book by Wallace Wang called
Steal This Computer Book 4.0 It's on computer/internet security. I do IT security stuff for a living and would say that this book is an easy read for newbies.
Other book is by Joseph Campbell called
Primitive Mythology: The Masks of God. It too is a very fascinating book but it's only the first volume of 3.
So I've got an interesting weekend ahead.
I gotta go now. We need supper and I've volunteered.