Preparing for Armageddon

Today it has been in the low 30's and we've had very small hail. I think it is bigger than sleet but not quite as big as good sized hail. But the worst of it is that now I also hear thunder outside. That's right...Thunder.
Today has not really gone the way I wanted or expected it to. I knew that I needed to work a shorter day today because even though I work for a major corporation that makes billions of dollars, the recent budget cuts keep them from being able to the appropriate overtime that gets merited. So as of 18:00 last night I was already at 38 hours for the week. That would mean that I would only be working for 2 hours today. And I wasn't about to work those 2 hours in the office. That would mean driving all the way into town [which would be an hour drive] and then coming back when I was done. And the roads here have not been all that great, so I stayed home. That is one of the nice things about my current job. I get to work from home 2 days a week.
But anywhooooo...I started the day out at the Real Estate office trying to get their "network" situation set up for them. I already knew that what I was doing was not going to work but I had to show them that. So I didn't get them squared away.
When I got back I ended up doing some "work" for my real job which consisted of a 3 hour teleconference-training session with a teammate of mine out in Tempe, AZ. Both during and after that call, I kept getting calls from other people at work since I am the "on-call" go to guy this week and my partner in crime out in Salt Lake City, UT is out on vacation. So instead of only working 2 hours today I've done closer to 5 and I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being a full 8 before all is said and done. Don't get me wrong though, I still get paid by the hour so I'll take what I can get.
It is supposed to be crappy here all weekend. That means that we won't be venturing anywhere. I hate that in the winter.
With the forecast being what it is, I guess that means that we'll watch some movies. Have you seen The Departed? I haven't either yet but will be watching it tonight.
I also hope to do some reading. I'm currently reading a very good book by Wallace Wang called Steal This Computer Book 4.0 It's on computer/internet security. I do IT security stuff for a living and would say that this book is an easy read for newbies.
Other book is by Joseph Campbell called Primitive Mythology: The Masks of God. It too is a very fascinating book but it's only the first volume of 3.
So I've got an interesting weekend ahead.
I gotta go now. We need supper and I've volunteered.
our winters here in mt have been strange, it's been warm then cold back and forth etc, it's crazy
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