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Sunday, December 30, 2007

Podcast for 12.29.2007

In this episode I talk about the NBC show To Catch A Predator and I share my Christmas experience for this year.

Click Here To Listen

(For a short time you can right-click and select "Save As" to download it directly from the link, otherwise it is safe to click on the above link and download it from the Media Fire website. I am working on finding another free service that I can use to have a regular syndication with an RSS feed for all you iPodders)

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Friday, December 28, 2007

A New Message Board On The Block

As many of you who know me personally are aware, I am a big fan of Michael Savage. Although I do not agree with every point of his politics I absolutely LOVE listening to his voice of reason that silences so many of the other sheeple on the airwaves.

Call him what you want but I call him a genius. If you don't know what to call him then you need to check out his website.

The real news in this post is that Michael now has a Savage Message Board.

Listen to the show and check it out!

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Monday, December 24, 2007


Happy Festivus Everyone!

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Saturday, December 22, 2007

Catching Up

What a last several _____ it's been.

Let's recap on some things that have gone down lately.

Back on December 17th my wife and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. Who would have known, including us, that we would have lasted this long? Well we have and I must say that it just keeps getting better. It truly does keep climbing. We sure have plenty of differences but we have really learned to deal with them and how to still have fun with each other. It seems like a lot of the things that may have set us off a few years ago are now just little things that we can calmly and rationally discuss without then having a week of silence. I love my wife and she loves me. That is really what these seven years have been about.

The weather out side is frightful.

The only thing we have to fear is... the fact that John McCain apparently sent me an email today to an account that I don't even use. I don't know if that is even legal, but I am just really bothered that I am now getting unsolicited email in accounts that aren't really even registered with anything. I am happy to see though that we finally got our family Xmas card from the Romney family. I was afraid that with everything that goes into the campaign that they might forget to cease the opportunity for such a shameless personal plug.

Last night I watched the movie White Christmas for the first time.

I really would like to have dreadlocks.

While driving on the way home from work yesterday on the Interstate Santa waved at me from the car in the next lane over. I waved back and then continued on. All the while I couldn't help but think "hey, I just got waved at by Santa."

Perez Hilton is really ugly, but he's got on incredibly irrelevant website that makes a whole buttload of money everyday.

There's life out there but not as we know it.

I now leave you with this-

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Xmas Eve Cubed

For me, songwriting is something like breathing: I just do it. But that doesn't mean you're fantastic.- Adam Duritz

I think that in some regards that I used to be a songwriter. Perhaps it might be even more accurate to say that I used to write a variety of lyrics to mediocre music that I somehow sludged together.

I know that every artist is their own worst critic but the thing that I hate so much about my music is that I either like the music and hate the words or I like the words and hate the music. Or I start out trying to write something of my own and then just end up playing a medley of tunes by someone else.

Adam Duritz has been and is currently probably my favourite singer/songwriter. So many of the songs that he has written so easily make up what I feel could be the soundtrack of my life. I also really love singing along to the songs as well, but I think that maybe that is just as far as I should ever take it...and when I am alone.

I think that of all the mediums out there that just plain and simple writing fits me best. I can sit and think and let the thoughts pour from my head, down my neck and through my arms. When I am writing a story or a blog I can paint a picture or tell a story in a clear and concise way; almost like being able to let the reader experience the same things that are in my head at the time that I pounded it out. Song writing is so much different for me though. I often feel by the end of trying to write something new that I have finally lost any complete sense of what I set out to talk about.

I love to be able to collaborate with others in their music. I have fun trying to provide the complimentary parts to their already great works, but in no way do I have any supplemental value.

Although I also really like to write I just don't really have the time. I was thinking about putting together some kind of pseudo-fictional account of various things that happened to me in High School and College, and I may still get around to that someday, but then the other issue that I have [much like my audioblog] is the question of who would even care?

So, how's that for a crappy and meaningless post?

Come back later and I will have more material of a little better substance.

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Friday, December 7, 2007


I am bothered by this a little bit. I am not so much bothered by the idea that someone in a political office holds a religious view, and not even that they would speak about it publicly...but when an address to a crowd is done so via the avenue of the pretence that such a conversation actually transpires, or is actually valid, is just unsettling to me. The notion that anyone, which I do not accuse Gov. Huckabee of doing outright, would make decisions in office under the premise that they believed that it was a god of some type moving them to do something is just bothersome. Thankfully he did note that god was neither a Democrat nor a Republican.

But lest I be accused of harping on the G.O.P. [God's Own Posse] I would have a similar critique of Senator John Edwards' application of the teachings of Christ. Much of his social policy is based on the national application of Matthew 25 when Jesus speaks of how our attitude toward him is reflected in how we treat "the least of the brethren." Is it fair to take individual admonitions and try to apply them at the national level via political mandate?

I am a fairly conservative guy, politically....but I just don't think that God and politics mix well. It's hard enough to get local churches to come together in agreement of how the world turns; how much harder to let the blind lead the blinder....

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Podcast for 12.06.2007

"Short Order" podcast. Well, no one ordered this; I just spouted it out at the last minute.

This morning I ask a question that was on my mind. I'm not directly looking for any answers to it...I just needed to get it out there.

Click Here To Listen
(Or Right-Click and "Save As" to save it to your hard drive)

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Monday, December 3, 2007


Sunday, December 2, 2007

Podcast for 12.01.2007

This one is the first "full-length" production being put out for public hearing.

I talk about political calls to my house, Xmas, religion, and we read some weird news stories.

Click Here To Listen
(Or Right-Click and "Save As" to save it to your hard drive)

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