Catching Up

Let's recap on some things that have gone down lately.
Back on December 17th my wife and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. Who would have known, including us, that we would have lasted this long? Well we have and I must say that it just keeps getting better. It truly does keep climbing. We sure have plenty of differences but we have really learned to deal with them and how to still have fun with each other. It seems like a lot of the things that may have set us off a few years ago are now just little things that we can calmly and rationally discuss without then having a week of silence. I love my wife and she loves me. That is really what these seven years have been about.
The weather out side is frightful.
The only thing we have to fear is... the fact that John McCain apparently sent me an email today to an account that I don't even use. I don't know if that is even legal, but I am just really bothered that I am now getting unsolicited email in accounts that aren't really even registered with anything. I am happy to see though that we finally got our family Xmas card from the Romney family. I was afraid that with everything that goes into the campaign that they might forget to cease the opportunity for such a shameless personal plug.
Last night I watched the movie White Christmas for the first time.
I really would like to have dreadlocks.
While driving on the way home from work yesterday on the Interstate Santa waved at me from the car in the next lane over. I waved back and then continued on. All the while I couldn't help but think "hey, I just got waved at by Santa."
Perez Hilton is really ugly, but he's got on incredibly irrelevant website that makes a whole buttload of money everyday.
There's life out there but not as we know it.
I now leave you with this-
Labels: anniversary, randomness, thoughts
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