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Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Fall now appears to be in full swing. Mornings are crisp and sharp. The sun takes its time to make an appearance. The insects begin to burrow in hiding and the birds begin to take flight to warmer horizons.

With the changing of the leaves and the season this is a list of things that I like best about Fall:
  • Sweaters
  • Potato Soup
  • Smoked Meats
  • Football
  • Combines in the fields
  • Hot tea
  • Sunsets
  • The manifold colours of leaves
  • Bonfires

Following the change in seasons is the change of needed sleeping habits. I have noticed that my need for sleep is in direct correlation to the amount of sunlight each day. While it seems that summer can be dealt with on minimal amounts, fall begins to change the cycle.

I imagine that our ancestors, pre electricity, also experienced this same thing. Daylight provided the ability to work and play while darkness was the indicator that it is now time to temporarily hibernate. Animals also seem to follow this same pattern of behaviour.

I have spent so much of my time these past few years working several jobs at once. Sleep seemed very overrated, but now as the season of my life also changes I hope to find more physical rest from work as well.

Rest. Reboot. Replenish.

I don't mean for any of this to sound like new-age spiritualism; but rather maybe it is time for a new age of returning to some of the old spirituality...the natural kind.

Friday, September 25, 2009


Who would do this to themself? Really?

Sunday, September 20, 2009


A Sunday Morning Treatise

OK, so this really isn't any kind of a treatise...that just sounded way more official than what will end up being this short lack-meaning post.

I had a dream this morning that I was up and going by 5am. I even dreamed that I was going to have my first blog post for the day by 5:30 am and I could imagine the bewilderment of my readers when they saw the time that it was posted and hearing them ask themselves "why does he get up so early?" Well, I guess we are all disappointed then? :-) It is 7:56am as I type this and there is nothing life shaking going on here.

Did you know that it just dawned on me last night what the phrase Shiver Me Timbers meant? It is a pirate expression for I'm shaking in my boots. I don't know why I finally just put the two together last night but I did. Perhaps it was because I had Pirate on the brain on two accounts:
1. Yesterday was supposedly International Talk Like A Pirate Day
2. Today we will be going back to the Renaissance Faire for a day of Piracy

Last night my wife made little clothespin parrots for each of us to wear on our shoulders today. My daughter will be dressed up in a very fancy dress that will hopefully still compliment the era that the faire is trying to capture today. Either way, she will look fantastic!

My oldest son will also be sporting a costume, with an actual eye patch and small sword.

This morning I had the decision to make about what I would do this morning that would be most beneficial for the outcome of my day- either wake up and go play Frisbee Golf straight away or watch an episode of House M.D. while my oatmeal and green tea settled followed by a good 45 minute workout. I am opting for House and the workout. As much as I love Frisbee Golf, the morning games are often full of wet shoes and discs from the morning dew that has not yet burned off. Plus it is starting to lighten up later and later each morning.

BTW, wifi is now found @ my mom's house. Hoorah!

Friday, September 11, 2009

The __________ in the room

This picture says to me:
"Yes'm, I think I will go ahead and do whatever I please, thank you!"

Thursday, September 10, 2009

A psychological explanation of why most blogs fail

There are millions of blogs, like this one, out there, or personal online journals where people link to and write about things of interest to them. Their lives, their hobbies, their politics, their technology. But somewhere close to 95% of these blogs ‘fail.’ The blog never gains any substantial kind of readership (outside of a handful of individuals — friends, family), or the author loses interest in writing on a daily or semi-daily basis, or the blog loses focus, direction and eventually, readership.

But most blogs fail because keeping an ongoing tally of one’s interests, life, politics, or technology is just plain hard and often times, monotonous. It’s difficult for most people to easily write hundreds of words every day that have some greater meaning (as opposed to the, “Wow, look at that beautiful sky today,” or “The NY Times said something interesting, here’s the link to it.”). I suspect most bloggers figure this out after the first or second week of writing. Writing well takes effort and time.

-- By John M Grohol PsyD; April 7, 2005 from

I think that the above sums up why I haven't blogged in a while very nicely.

Over the past few weeks I have been making some pretty serious attempts at slimming down my calendar. Some attempts have worked better than others; but mostly I find that somehow the universe has a way of seeing openings in various time slots that are now available and then it sees some kind of vaccuum that has been created by the emptiness. Such has been the course of my last few weeks.

I have officially dissolved Custom Computer Works as a whole....but I find that I am still wrapping up some jobs related to it that are still lagging behind. Some of them I will miss while others of them cannot go away soon enough.

I will try and make it a point to post more often; like once a week or so and see how it goes. I might just need to go back to the whole "random entry" format again. I like to keep things interesting without becoming too cliche.

Since we're talking about time here for a moment I will leave you with this related video for now.
